
Pending Applications
List of available characters and application forms can be found here. Please post your applications here first. Make sure to follow the rules and guidelines before posting. Once accepted your application will be moved to the proper place.
8 posts
7 threads
Accepted Applications
All applications will be locked and moved here after being accepted.
8 posts
8 threads
Please come take a look at the claims and place them as needed. All of these are ultimately optional but there for those who need or desire them. Claims include those for a place of residence, a face claim, a special ability
1 post
1 thread
If you need to make an NPC that you know will be used from time to time but don't want to devote time to making the person a regular character, you may make it here. There is a different form. You must have a regular character already. Use the same account.
1 post
1 thread


Thread Announcement  
newBookmarkLockedFalling Available Canon
Zuka 0 1,132 by Zuka
Mar 12, 2018 19:40:08 GMT -5